To do the topic full justice and cover all the bases, we have decided to break the winners down into three separate brackets: standard wallpapers, Live Photo wallpapers for animated backdrops, and uniquely themed wallpaper apps. Time to dust off your iPhone’s home screen and live it up in your pocket! So where to turn to for quality material you ask? We’ve got your back on that, as we have compiled a list of the best wallpaper apps available on the App Store today. Granted there is no shortage of wallpapers anywhere on the internet, at the same time the ever-growing demand for more has also given rise to a bevy of unusable, flat-out lousy offers. Cases and skins aside, the fastest and most immersive option to shake things up visually is to go down the wallpaper path, which we very much love assisting you with here at iDB. Every so often as an iPhone user, we get a little bored with the optics of our device and feel the need to give it a fresh coat of paint.